Tuesday, May 10, 2016

10,000th Kettlebell Swing

I performed my 10,000th Kettlebell Swing today.  I"m very happy with that accomplishment.

Here I am at the top of the swing:

I had never even thought about kettlebells prior to my transplant, but they sure have been an awesome tool in helping me get fit afterwards.

Here is a video of the set following the milestone:

I am currently swinging a 24 kg kettlebell as part of my Simple and Sinister program.  When you watch the video, you can see why this is such a great movement for someone who has had a lung transplant.  When properly performed, the swing helps protect the chest and back.  It also strengthens pretty much all of the muscles in the trunk.  The breathing technique, breathing behind the shield, helps keep your lung clear, strengthens the diaphragm, and may help improve lung capacity.

Prior to my transplant, I looked at the procedure as a way to push the clock back a bit, survive just a few years more.  I've found that this awesome gift provided by my donor family is really a chance to thrive and be the best I've ever been.

If you are interested in learning more about kettlebells, check out Pavel's book:


  1. You've talked about your prescriptions at MDA prior. However, this list really clarifies the determination you show in respect to your lung donor family and your own. You are the man, John.

  2. This is awesome John. You are so inspirational. Keep killing it.
    Steel Kettlebells

  3. Replies
    1. Nice link to the Halo. I would add to keep glutes and abs tight during the exercise. Also emphasize that the halo is a stretching and movement exercise so start with weight lighter than you may think you need.
