Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday Macros 3/21/16

Monday Macros

Weight = 141. Weight gain/loss this period = 0 lb. Total weight loss = 110lbs. Macros for the week = Carb/Fat/Prot - 23/56/21%. Daily avg cals = 2429. Body Fat = 9.0%.

Carbs were a little high this week, averaging 159 gr/day.  30 gr/day of those carbs were resistant starches, so I'm not too worried about that.  Protein was 127 gr/day, perfectly adequate for my current activity level.  Once I start a full on Simple and Sinister workout, I will work on increasing protein a bit. Cals were pretty much spot on, and had the desired effect of helping me regain the weight lost while in the hospital.

When I was heavy, and had a ton of weight to lose, I decided that measuring my weight down to the 10th of a pound was kind of silly, so I just document the whole number indicated on the scale.  I do that still pretty much just because I monitor my weight to keep an eye on the big picture, and tenths of a pound really don't matter in the grand scheme of things.

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